A soccer diary from across the pond

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

10 freakin years. How to make a young man feel old

Oh dear. Its actually been 10 years since this obsession of mine started. I remember 10 years ago. I was 15, living with my parents and because of the time difference I could wake up every morning and watch soccer. I remember turning on the TV and watching the game, while getting dressed and all of a sudden O'Brien scored and I was like: "WHAT? Aren't Portugal supposed to beat the crap out of these guys?" I watched the entire game and I was amazed. This lead me to following the team for the rest of the tournament and after that my attention turned to MLS and that is how it all started.

North American soccer and my fascination thereof have followed from boyhood to manhood and it has become a big part of who I am and how I spend my time. Its been one heck of a ride and I look forward to the next 10 years and hopefully this will include new record setting performances by the US in the World Cup and a new appearance by Canada in that tournament.

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